Returns - QR Code
under review
Sreekar Devatha
CanadaPost allows customers returning items to show a QR code when they drop off the packages. This is possible by specific this parameter in the return label creation call to CanadaPost - create-public-key
We want to allow the customer to access the QR code on our website so we need the QR code, return tracking number as part of the payload when we create the return through TechShip API
Edward Aguiar
under review
Review ability to add the public URL to techSHIP API response of CanadaPost and eventually other carriers. Provide access to the URL/QR on the user interface.
Edward Aguiar
Sreekar Devatha I assume you would like to recieve the public url that will contain the shipping label that you will be encoding into a QR code or are you looking to get the actual QR code image?